UFFS State of the Union Update October 17, 2021
UFFS Community,
Here’s what has happened in the last month in the UFFS world, and what’s coming up next. Things are moving quickly for our project and we have many new friends and partners joining the ecosystem every week. Meeting new people and seeing their faces light up when they truly understand the UFFS vision is the most rewarding part of what we do.
- UFHL -
The Ultimate Fantasy Hockey League (UFHL) dropped the puck on their third season on October 12th, alongside the NHL season. This will be the first full 82-game schedule for the UFHL, mirroring the NHL in every way possible with 32 franchises competing for the Founders’ Trophy in the regular season and the Klein Cup in the playoffs. To keep up to date, follow @TheUFHL on Twitter.
UFF Sports also plans to debut beta gameplay for the Ultimate Fantasy American Hockey League (UFAHL) during the 2021–22 campaign, which could begin on a simulation or video gaming platform while the UFFS gameplay engine is in development. That engine is expected to be deployed on the UFFS platform in Q1 2022, with potential for an abbreviated beta season for the UFAHL based on real world AHL stats and results.
- UFWJ -
Last but not least, UFF Sports recently announced the Ultimate Fantasy World Juniors (UFWJ) as another revolutionary dynasty league for the annual under-20 showcase. The UFWJ Franchise Auction is slated for Nov. 20–21, with the inaugural draft on Dec. 19 ahead of the Dec. 26-Jan. 5 tournament. There are only 10 franchises available, minimum bid $500 USD worth of SCORE Coin (SCO). For more information, follow @TheUFWJ on Twitter
For all you hockey fans check out the message from Craig Button about this revolutionary junior fantasy NFT league.
American Football
- AFLL -
The American Football Legends League (AFLL) will auction off its first 16-franchises between Oct. 20–22, culminating in an exciting live event at the Pro Football Hall of Fame from Canton, OH on Friday the 22nd. Hosted by NFL great Eric Metcalf and UFF Sports head of football Andy McNamara, this show will air on AO Sports TV.
This one-of-a-kind simulation league experience brings gridiron heroes out of retirement and allows for franchise owners to select UFFS Digital Athlete NFTs as “team captains” based on highest to lowest final franchise auction bids. All AFLL head-to-head matchups will be played on the world’s premier football video game simulator Axis Football, and broadcast on AO Sports TV. Season 1 kicks off on Pro Bowl weekend in February 2022.
The 16 franchises are also live on OpenSea. You will be bidding on an NFT placeholder that will enter you into the auction that closes Oct 22, 16 highest bids get franchises!
As we lead up to the AFLL auction next weekend we would like to announce that we have partnered with FanCentric. Lead by Garrick Jones their amazing community, and a long list of athletes are an amazing asset to the UFFSports ecosystem. FanCentric will be the official partner of all UFFS Legends Leagues operations, More information of the details of this agreement will be coming out in the weeks ahead. This is a major step forward for both organizations.
The first quarter of the inaugural Ultimate Fantasy American Football League (UFAFL) has been an exciting ride as all 32-teams compete in the most in-depth fantasy football experience ever created. The progressive prize pool is well above the 1-million SCO mark and has the UFAFL living up to the high stakes hype! The UFAFL shop has also launched, and is showcasing exciting franchise merchandise.
- UFBA -
Now, on to Basketball. Alex Leblanc, (UFBA Head of Basketball) has been very busy with the new league!
The September 28th Franchise auction was definitely an overwhelming success. Hosted by our new ambassador and team owner Rashad Phillips and UFBA’s own Alex Leblanc in the UFFS metaverse.
The 30 team auction finished in some heated last minute bidding wars and in the end the franchises sold for 1 161 888 SCO (approx $207 000 USD) total. We are very happy to welcome our new professional fantasy sports franchise basketball owners.
On Tuesday October 12, Alex and Bdub introduced all of the franchises, unveiled their logos, and the videos of their number 1 draft picks while recapping the draft results.
They also gave away UFBA merch to 2 winners.
UFBA Schedule of events
October 15 — The already drafted auction was an incredible success raising 677 000 SCO (approx. value of $105 000 USD)
October 16th — Roster Cut Down Day, Waiver Auctions begin
October 17–18 — Waivers process
October 19 @ 6pm EST Roster compliance for season start.
- UFLB -
On the same day the MLB playoffs opened, we hit the 30-day mark until the Ultimate Fantasy League Baseball franchise auction. 30 franchises will be available to the highest bidders with your draft position in each round of the ONE and ONLY 26-man draft, determined by your bid. If you win with the highest bid, you pick first every round. If you are the 25th you pick 25th every round. So, securing a high spot for every round is crucial, but especially the first round to get your franchise player will be paramount!!!
Look for ‘The List’ every Monday leading up to the franchise auctions on the news section of UFFSports.com where we will reveal Top 30 Lists from different people in the real and fantasy baseball world to give you some incentive to want to bid and draft high!!!
The Rule Book is available now for potential owners to dive into like a Pete Rose double and learn all about the greatest fantasy baseball league, ever.
We proudly announced our first Digital Athlete NFT for baseball Ian Kinsler and shortly after that, another ball player, this time pitcher Kameron Loe joined the UFF Sports platform as a soon to be available NFT!
Also, Inside UFLB made its debut on the Ultimate Fantasy Sports Network. Each week UFF Sports Head of Baseball, Dean Millard, will give you the inside scoop on, and an inside look at, Ultimate Fantasy League Baseball and why you will want to be bidding on a franchise during the one and only 30-franchise auction, November 5th-7th. Reach out for more details with an email to infouflb@gmail.com.
DeFi- Staking update
A quick update on the long awaited staking and DeFi platform. Things are progressing but we have run into multiple bugs in the final review/audit process. The team is working diligently on getting this all resolved. We are now looking at a Q4 launch for the staking mechanism and V1 of Sports Swap.
UFFSports brand, logo and website upgrade
October 21, 2021 we will be unveiling our upgraded UFFS brand alongside the new uffsports.com website. The site will have a more modern look and an enhanced structure to ensure easier navigation and better access to the information you need to keep up to date, and to participate in the UFFS ecosystem. Hit us up on social media and let us know what you think of the logo upgrade.
UFFS has taken a large step forward as we are happy to announce our official NFT marketplace brand. This one of a kind marketplace that will sell the world’s first Digital Athlete NFTs, as well as high quality collectible NFTs launches Nov. 9th, 2021. The Digital Athlete NFT is truly one of UFFS’ most exciting innovations and we feel that the evolution of these assets will truly change both the NFT space and the sports world as a whole.
The marketplace offers 2 types of NFTs: 1.DIGITAL ATHLETE NFTs that play in fantasy sports and other digital games. 2. Collectible NFTs of our athletes that represent their greatest moments in sports and life.
Buying a Digital Athlete NFT gives you the opportunity to enter into an exclusive digital partnership directly with athletes from all over the world in all types of sports. Become the one and only owner of a digital athlete and you are instantly a business partner with the real athlete in the digital sports world.
Major NFT Digital Athlete and collectible drops will be coming from the likes of Cris Carter, Bud Crawford and Michael Vik in the month of November.
With that said we would like to introduce you to Ultimate Sports NFTS.com.
The UFFS world is incredibly busy and as we grow we are bringing on so many great people and partners which makes everyday an exciting new adventure. We are blessed with an incredible community and we feel we are ready to take a major leap in our growth with the NFT marketplace launch, DeFi protocol and so many great leagues. Exciting times ahead indeed.
Tony Charanduk
UFFS Founder